Ontario Tech University is committed to maintaining the highest possible ethical, legal, environmental, managerial and professional standards in the management of its resources as a publicly funded institution. As such, we strive to promote and support sound fiscal management and accountability, risk minimization, long-term sustainability
Suppliers are selected in an open, fair and transparent manner, and in accordance with the Broader Public Sector (BPS), Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA), Canadian European Trade Agreement (CETA) and regulatory requirements. The university’s Procurement of Goods and Services Policy and Procedures are designed to define and guide the management and control of financial expenditures.
Competitive tenders greater than $100,000 are published on, an online portal that connects suppliers providing various goods and services to buyers from the public and private sectors.
The university participates with other organizations collaborative tender opportunities. These include OECM – Ontario Educational Collaborative Marketplace, Ministry of Government Services (MGS) and the Durham Purchasing Cooperative.
The procurement of goods, services or consulting service is determined by the total value of the item, before tax. To achieve maximum value for expenditures, all purchases valued at $10,000 or more must be made using a competitive quotation process.
Additional inquiries can be directed to Kevin Jones, Procurement Manager at 905.721.8668 ext. 2251.
The university manages the procurement of goods and services in a manner consistent with current procurement principles, standards
- Act and be seen to act with integrity and professionalism.
- Not engage in any activity that may create, or appear to create, a conflict of interest, and ensure that all potential, perceived, actual and apparent conflicts of interest are properly disclosed, and appropriately considered and managed.
- Undertake
contracting and purchasing activities in a fair and transparent manner and withintention to obtain the best value for appropriate levels of quality and service. - Conduct themselves in accordance with the BPS Supply Chain Code of Ethics, Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA), Canadian European Trade Agreement (CETA) and the laws of Canada and Ontario.
- Consider those goods and services that reflect the institution's commitment to accessibility, sustainability
broader social responsibilities.and
We recommend that suppliers follow the guidelines below when submitting a bid for consideration:
- Submit the bid on time; late bids will not be accepted.
- Ensure the bid document is compliant and addresses all deliverables.
- Make reference to specific deliverables in your proposal. If not, it will make it more difficult to evaluate your submission.
- Accept the stated terms and conditions (this is a requirement).
- Review pricing, as the unit price submitted will prevail if there is an error.
- Never make assumptions; seek clarification to any questions.
- Provide detailed information, as the university can only evaluate what is submitted.